Tag Archives: feminism

Everyday Predators

After reading all the increasing news coverage recently of all the awful predatory sexual assaults that have been going on behind closed doors for years and years, I thought I’d take up the task of running through a lot (not all) of the sexual innuendo or straight up assault I’ve experienced throughout my life.

It doesn’t hold a candle to the majority of the stories out there, I know, but it’s still grossly un-fucking-acceptable that this level of entitlement and hideous sexism happens so casually. AND. EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. It is exhausting. So very very exhausting.

Please feel free to share your stories, if you so desire. A quick note to say that commenting with “actually” or any kind of #notallmen won’t be tolerated here.

Be warned, some of this may be very triggering for some people. Please proceed with caution!

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